Cjelina 9: U zdravom tijelu zdrav duh

SINJSKA ALKA (English, Alka of Sinj)
For more than three centuries, the town of Sinj has been home to the knightly game known as the Alka of Sinj, which is held according to strictly defined rules and with participants dressed in historical costumes and equipped with historical equipment and weapons. It is organized in memory of the glorious victory of the knights of Sinj over the Ottoman army in 1715.
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Modul 1: Možeš ti to! | [You Can Do It!] |
Lekcija 1: Sport i rekreacija | [Sport and Recreation] |
Lekcija 2: Dnevni ritam | [Daily Rhythm] |
Lekcija 3: Briga o zdravlju | [Health Care] |
Lekcija 4: Izgled i osobine | [Appearance and Traits] |
Modul 2: Nije sve u novcu | [It’s Not All About the Money] |
Lekcija 1: Želja za budućnost | [Wishes For the Future] |
Lekcija 2: Životopis | [Curriculum Vitae] |
Lekcija 3: Natječaj za posao | [Job Vacancy] |
Lekcija 4: Razgovor | [Conversation] |
Modul 3: Kod doktora | [At the Doctor] |
Lekcija 1: Strah i bolest | [Fear and Aches] |
Lekcija 2: Doktore, pomozite! | [Help Me, Doctor!] |
Lekcija 3: Ozdravi brzo! | [Get Well Soon!] |
Modul 4: Ponavljanje je majka znanja | [Practice Makes Perfect] |
Lekcija 1: Ponavljanje | [Review] |
Lekcija 2: Razgovor | [Conversation] |
1. Overview and Goals for Unit 9
By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:1 | Talk about sports and free time activities. |
2 | Express your interest in sports. |
3 | Talk about physical descriptions. |
4 | Express opinions about personal traits. |
5 | Express more information about yourself and people close to you. |
6 | Discuss fears and phobias. |
7 | Talk about different types of body aches. |
8 | Understand the concept of medical services in Croatia. |
9 | Research traditional Croatian beliefs in relation to home remedies. |
10 | Express concerns about your own health. |
11 | Make a dialogue in a doctor’s office. |
12 | Talk about ways to live a healthy life. |
13 | Ask specific information about a certain dish and how it is made. |
14 | Give instructions for preparing food. |
15 | Talk about your plans for the future. |
16 | Talk about your dream job. |
17 | Understand the Croatian concept of writing a CV and understand the differences. |
18 | Talk about types of student jobs in your country and in Croatia. |
19 | Present your skills and qualifications. |
1 | Present Tense
2 | Imperative mode
3 | Instrumental case
4 | Irregular nouns
5 | Genitive case
1 | Sports |
2 | Types of jobs |
3 | The human body |
4 | Fears and phobias |
5 | The doctor’s office |
6 | Healthy diet and food items |
7 | How to give commands |
8 | Dates and birthdays (DD/MM/YY) |
9 | The Zodiac and Horoscope signs |
10 | Curriculum vitae |
2. Outline
At/by the end of the unit, what do you want the student to be able to do with the language?Final assessment (Scenario): |
Your instructor will play the role of a local friend. The topic of discussion will be about you, your closest friends, and family members. You might be asked to reflect on your life, past experiences, what to do after graduation, and your ideas for the future. You might be asked to talk about your closest friend, for example. The goal would be to present that person as best as you can. This will include: physical description, personality traits (compare it with the generally associated characteristics of their horoscope sign), fears, goals for the future, lifestyle, etc. You might be asked to compare your lifestyle with someone else's. You are expected to learn more about your local friend – ask intelligent questions of your instructor. You might also be asked to give advice on how to improve a lifestyle. Think of home remedies and whether you would implement them in your life. |
Module 1: | I can talk about sports, interests, activities, and my free time. I can talk about someone's physical appearance, general information, and traits that best describe a person. |
Module 2: | I can talk about my plans for the future, my ideal job, and can understand the basics of a job application. |
Module 3: | I can talk about my fears and phobias, and I can express my aches and health issues at the doctor’s office. I can talk about my eating habits, a healthy lifestyle, and can give suggestions on how to improve healthy living. |
Module 4: | Performance-based final unit assessment |
Module 1: | In a dialogue, talk about yourself. What are your daily and weekly routines? It’s a conversation with a friend about physical activities and life routines. You will need to compare your lifestyles and discuss possible improvements for both of you. |
Module 2: | Talk about your dream job. What qualities do you have for the job, what are you working on to improve yourself, your qualifications and your personality traits. Create your Euoropass CV on their online platform. |
Module 3: | Talk about your general fears. What do you do when you get sick? Perform a dialogue at the doctor’s office. Do you use any home remedies and would you use any from Croatia that people make/use? Give suggestions on what to do to get better soon. |
3. Specific Components and Final Tasks for Each Module
Module 1. Možeš ti to! [You Can Do It!]1 | Sports and activities |
2 | Healthy habits |
3 | Morning and evening routine |
4 | Birthdays, dates and age |
5 | Personality traits |
6 | Physical appearance |
Final Task, Module 1: | |
In a dialogue, you will reflect on your past and the present time. You will give general information about yourself (DOB), personality traits, free time activities, sports you [don’t] like to watch, etc. You will reflect on how healthy your life is and what you can do to further improve it. You will talk about your close friend/family member and compare your lifestyles. |
1 | Curriculum Vitae |
2 | Goals for the future |
3 | Dream job |
4 | Opinion about yourself |
5 | Student jobs in my country and Croatia |
Final Task, Module 2: | |
Talk about your future and your personality traits (i.e., qualities). What is your dream job, what qualifications do you already have and what are you still working on to get there? Talk about your current studies and what your ideas are for the future. Your instructor will use a CV that you wrote. |
1 | Fears and phobias |
2 | Sickness and aches |
3 | Cold/flu symptoms |
4 | The doctor’s office |
5 | How to take care of yourself |
6 | Instructions on how to prepare a meal |
Final Task, Module 3: | |
Tell your friend about your recent visit to a doctor’s office (prior performance with your instructor). Talk about your fears and how to live healthy. Reflect on the times when you are sick and how you take care of yourself. Give additional recommendations to your friend about what more they can do to stay healthy (home remedies, healthy recipes, etc.). |