Cjelina 4: Stanovanje

HRVATSKI PLETER (English, Croatian Interlace)
It is one of the most often used patterns in Croatian art. It is often found on and within churches and monasteries built in the early medieval Kingdom of Croatia (9-12 century).  
Modul 1: Dome, slatki dome [Home, Sweet Home]
Lekcija 1: Moj stan [My Apartment]
Lekcija 2: Smještaj [Accommodation]
Lekcija 3: Kupnja u IKEA-i [IKEA Shopping]
Lekcija 4: Gdje živiš? [Where Do You Live?]
Lekcija 5: Moja cimerica [My Roommate]
Modul 2: Više o zemlji [More About My Country]
Lekcija 1: Kako je bilo? [How Was It?]
Lekcija 2: Više o zemlji [More About (My) Country]
Lekcija 3: Jesi živ? [Are You Alive?]
Modul 3: Ponavljanje je majka znanja [Practice Makes Perfect]
Lekcija 1: Ponavljanje [Review]
Lekcija 2: Razgovor [Conversation]

1. Overview and Goals for Unit 4

By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:
1 Talk about where you live
2 Describe your apartment/house
3 Describe where things are in your apartment
4 Provide opinions about apartments and living arrangements
5 Discuss housing preferences
6 Search online for an apartment in Croatia
7 Express your preference in living arrangements
8 Understand traditional architectural concepts in the area
9 Understand traditional (most common) apartment arrangements in Croatia
10 Talk about your geographical preferences for your living environment
11 Talk about your favorite trip in the past
12 Talk about past experiences
13 Talk about student living situation in Croatia and your country
14 Express your opinion about student dorms in Croatia and your country
15 Shop online for furniture
16 Discuss popular landmarks in Croatia and other countries in the region
17 Discuss and ask about famous people in Croatia and the region
18 Express your present (academic) interests and future plans for research
19 Talk about months and seasons
20 Express your desires for future travels
21 Talk about what you want to visit in the region and provide reasons for it
22 Understand how to communicate in a formal/informal way via email
To achieve these outcomes, you will learn the following grammar structures:
1 Locative case
  • Regular forms
  • Irregularities in form (sound changes)
2 Prepositions with the locative case
  • u/na (in/on)
  • o/po (about/accross)
3 Adjectives in the locative case
  • Singular forms
  • Plural forms
4 Present Tense of -ati verbs
  • Irregular forms
5 Past Tense
  • The verb biti (to be)
  • Verbs in: -ati, -iti, and -jeti
  • Verbs in: -ći
6 Ordinal numbers
7 The noun doba
Vocabulary covered in this Unit relates to:
1 Type of living environment
2 Seasons and months
3 Housing and furniture
4 Online platforms for furniture shopping
5 Floorplans
6 Tourist attractions and landmarks
7 Activities when traveling
8 Activities during free time
9 Geography

2. Outline

At/by the end of the unit, what do you want the student to be able to do with the language?
Final assessment (Scenario): 
You are an international student who is renting a room in an apartment with a local student. While you get to know each other, you will develop a dialogue in which you might be asked to: (1) compare the local housing with the one in the US, (2) provide opinion about your current apartment in which you are renting a room, (3) demonstrate your knowledge of the area, (4) get to know your new roommate better and talk about past, happy memories, (5) talk about past trips, or some specific experience that you had (6) finish the dialogue with an invitation to do something together like see a movie or go to a cafe (based on the information that you collect during the dialogue).
Break the goal down into smaller learning targets.
Module 1: I can talk about my apartment/house and furniture items.
Module 2: I can talk about my past experiences.
Module 3: Performance based final-unit assessment
For each learning target (Modules 1-2), determine a concrete task that will demonstrate that the students have reached it.
Module 1: You are spending a semester in Croatia. You are sharing an apartment with another student. Make a cohesive dialogue by introducing yourself, make comments about the apartment, and negotiate where you will put all the furniture.
Module 2: You meet with your friend and you want to tell each other about an interesting evening you had in the past. The task needs to include your past activities, opinions about the evening, and suggestions for future activities as a result of that past event.

3. Specific Components and Final Tasks for Each Module

Module 1. Dome, slatki dome [Home, Sweet Home]
1 Housing
2 Furniture
3 Architecture
4 Online shopping
5 Months and seasons
6 Living conditions
7 Formal writing (Introduction)
Final Task, Module 1:
You are an international student who is spending a semester abroad. In your conversation with another student, get to know each other and make comments about the country in which you are currently studying. Exchange opinions about the apartment that you are sharing. Negotiate where you will place all the items that you have in the apartment. Since this is a shared space, you both need to feel comfortable in the apartment.
Module 2: Više o zemlji [More About my Country]
1 Landmarks and locations
2 Activities in the city
3 Past experiences/activities
Final Task, Module 2:
You haven’t seen your friend in a while. Finally you have time to meet and spend time together over the weekend. While your friend is visiting you make plans about what to do in the city. Provide reasons for your choices. As a part of your conversation you want to catch up and find out how your friend’s life is going - what they did lately, any interesting recent activity, or maybe some good story.