Cjelina 1: Dobro došli!

DALMATINER (English, Dalmatian)
According to Encyclopedia Britannica, it is a dog breed named after the Adriatic coastal region of Dalmatia, Croatia, its first definite home.
Modul 1: Moje ime je Bond, James Bond [My Name is Bond, James Bond]
Lekcija 1: Dobar dan! [Good Day!]
Lekcija 2: Kako se zoveš? [What is your Name?]
Lekcija 3: Upoznajmo se [Let’s Get Acquainted]
Lekcija 4: Kako ste? [How are you doing?]
Lekcija 5: Broj telefona [Phone Number]
Lekcija 6: Roditelji [Parents]
Modul 2: Biti ili ne biti [To Be or Not to Be]
Lekcija 1: Ljudi i stvari [People and Things]
Lekcija 2: Osobine [Personality Traits]
Lekcija 3: Naše stvari [Our Belongings]
Modul 3: Reci mi o sebi [Tell Me About Yourself]
Lekcija 1: Odakle si? [Where are you from?]
Lekcija 2: Moji prijatelji [My Friends]
Modul 4: Ponavljanje je majka znanja [Practice Makes Perfect]
Lekcija 1: Ponavljanje [Review]
Lekcija 2: Razgovor [Conversation]

1. Overview and Goals for Unit 1

By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:
1 Introduce yourself
2 Ask others how they are doing and give your own response
3 Understand formality in BCMS language and culture
4 Read, pronounce, and write short sentences
5 Ask and answer simple questions with Who? What? Whose?
6 Ask and answer the question What does it look like?
7 Describe someone or something (basic vocabulary)
8 Say something belongs to you or someone else
9 Count from 0-10
10 Get familiar with BCMS names
11 Talk about professions
12 Get familiar with some famous people from Bosnia, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia
13 Fill in the forms that require personal information (i.e. to join the library, gym or other facilities)
14 Express your likes and/or dislikes
15 Say what you are studying
To achieve these outcomes, you will learn the following grammar structures:
1 Grammatical gender (masculine, feminine, neuter)
2 Nominative case (singular and plural forms)
3 Personal pronouns (I, you [informal], he, she, it, we, you [all/or formal], they)
4 Possessive pronouns (my, your [informal], his, her, our, your [all/formal], their)
5 Interrogative pronouns
  • What?
  • Who?
  • Whose?
6 Demonstrative pronouns
  • this
  • that
  • that over there
7 Adjectives
8 Verb biti (‘to be’)
  • unstressed form
  • stressed form
  • question form
  • negative form
9 Verb zvati se (to be called)
10 Accusative case (introduction)
11 Present tense
  • Introduction to the verbs voljeti (to like) and studirati (to study)
  • Introduction to the verb pričati (to speak)
Vocabulary covered in this Unit relates to:
1 “Survival” phrases
2 Greetings
3 Professions
4 Academic subjects
5 Flags
6 Colors
7 Currency
8 Nationalities
9 Countries
10 Ordinal numbers (0-10)
11 General feelings
12 Everyday things around us
13 Interests and/or hobbies
14 Physical characteristics
15 Personality traits

2. Outline

At/by the end of the unit, what do you want the student to be able to do with the language?
Final assessment (Scenario): 
Prepare yourself to perform a real-life situation in which two people meet for the first time. Possible situations include the following scenarios: (a) dialogue between two students who met for the very first time, (b) dialogue between two colleagues who just started working together, and/or (c) dialogue between a new international student and a professor. After you perform your dialogue with a classmate, I will ask you questions about what you learned or discovered during the dialogue you performed.
Break the goal down into smaller learning targets.
Module 1: I can talk about myself and provide basic information about myself.
Module 2: I can talk about where I am from, personal belongings, and I can provide basic information about my family.
Module 3: I can talk about my city, area of study, and personal likes and dislikes.
Module 4: Performance based final-unit assessment
For each learning target (Modules 1-3), determine a concrete task that will demonstrate that the students have reached it.
Module 1: You are a new international student in the BCMS area. A new semester is starting and you are getting to know new people. Make a cohesive and meaningful dialogue with another classmate in order to get more information about them.
Module 2: You are at your friend's house. You want to learn more about his or her family. Ask questions about their professions, physical characteristics, and interests.
Module 3: Module 3: Prepare a presentation about yourself and your city. You need to talk about your likes and dislikes, what are you studying, and where are you from. Be sure to describe your city.

3. Specific Components and Final Tasks for Each Module

Module 1. Moje ime je Bond, James Bond [My name is Bond, James Bond]
1 Greetings
2 Full name (first/last name)
3 Nationality
4 Phone number
5 Address
6 Feelings (express your opinion, e.g. Are you glad/sad to hear that?)
7 It’s a pleasure to meet someone
8 Farewells and goodbyes
Final Task, Module 1:
You are a new international student in the BCMS-speaking area. A new semester is starting and you are getting to know new people. Make a cohesive and meaningful dialogue with another classmate in order to get more information about them. Things that you should ask each other: your name, how you are doing, address, phone number, where you are from, more about your parents and friends – their names, what they look like, and their profession. You are also able to provide comments on how someone feels. You can also finish your conversation with an appropriate farewell phrase.
Module 2: Biti ili ne biti [To be or not to be]
1 Things around us
2 Professions
3 Physical characteristics
4 Personality traits
5 Possessions and personal belongings
Final Task, Module 2:
Talk with one of your classmates. You are at your friend's house. You want to learn more about his/her family. Ask questions about their professions, physical characteristics, personality traits, and about interests. Make a cohesive and meaningful dialogue with another classmate in order to get more information about them and their family. Things that you should ask each other: questions about their professions, physical characteristics, and interests.
Module 3: Reci mi o sebi [Tell me about yourself]
1 Where from
2 City description
3 Academic subjects
4 Personal interests
5 Likes and dislikes
6 Hobbies
Final Task, Module 3:
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation about yourself and your city. Tell us about yourself and your city (what it looks like) and include at least 5 locations that someone should see/visit when there. Provide your opinion about each location.