C2 M3 L2 Homework

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2 | Modul 3: Domaća zadaća

Kamo ideš?

2 | 3 | Lekcija 2: Vikend putovanje

2.3 Zadatak 7. Moj vikend

Answer the following questions before you talk to a classmate.

Što radiš za vikend?

u petak

u subotu

u nedjelju

When you have your weekend scheduled, talk with a classmate to compare your weekends. Find an activity that you both like/want to do and make arrangements to meet and spend time together. Submit your video recording online.

2.3 Zadatak 8. Dragi… / Draga…

Based on the assignment we had in class, write an email to a classmate. You are planning to visit a city in Bosnia and Herzegovina/Croatia/Montenegro/Serbia (your choice). Say something about your plans and what you want to see/visit (include at least several different points of interest). Ask for advice for what to see or do while there. The class dialogue and assignments will help you formulate your sentences.

*Elements covered in class DO NOT count. You need to find new information.

** Pay attention to how we start and how we end a written informal communication.


When you receive an email from your classmate, do a Google search of places/locations before you reply to his/her email. Give at least two suggestions for every destination/place of interest your classmate asked about. Be sure to copy your instructor in all your email communications with your classmates.

2.3 Zadatak 9. U koliko sati otvara/zatvara?

📄 Handout. Use the handout in order to complete the task. Meet with a classmate online. Take turns answering the following questions for each location. Submit your video recording online.

Na primjer:

U koliko sati otvara Muzej iluzija?

Muzej otvara u 09:00 (devet ujutro).

U koliko sati zatvara muzej?

Muzej zatvara u 22:00 (deset navečer).

Želiš li posjetiti ovaj muzej?

Da, želim posjetiti muzej.

Ne, ne želim posjetiti muzej.

1. pitanje: U koliko sati otvara […]?

2. pitanje: U Koliko sati zatvara […]?

3. pitanje: Želiš li posjetiti […]?

2.3 Zadatak 10. Muzej Sarajeva

In today’s dialogue, Mario gave Laura a suggestion on what to visit if she goes to Sarajevo. Use Google search in order to answer the following questions in Croatian.


Kako se zove muzej?



Koja je adresa?



U koliko sati otvara muzej svaki dan?



U koliko sati muzej zatvara u petak i u subotu?


| In English

What are your impressions about this museum? Would you visit it in Sarajevo? Why yes or why not? Is there a similar  museum in your city that you would recommend your international friends to visit? Why? What is the importance of that museum if it exists?

[odgovor] →

Images used in this document are from these sources.