C7 M4 L1 Grammar
7 | Modul 4: Gramatika
Ponavljanje je majka znanja
7 | 4 | Lekcija 1: Ponavljanje
7.4 Zadatak 1. Što je radio?
Read the text about Luka and his past travel experience. Mark all the verbs in the past tense. Be careful what constitutes the past tense in Croatian. Remember that the past tense can be split in a sentence and the parts of the verb that make up the past tense do not have to be next to each other.
7.4 Zadatak 2. Čime putuješ?
Look at the following types of transportation and complete the sentences with the appropriate comparative form. Use the visual representation to complete the sentences with the correct comparative form.
7.4 Zadatak 3. S kim, čime?
Part 1
Complete the following sentences using the verbs from the table. At times the verb will stay in its infinitive form, but sometimes you will need to conjugate the verb. If more than one option is possible, choose only one. Just as with past tense, be careful about the word order when a reflexive verb is needed.
dopisivati se | voziti se | sunčati se | kupati se |
putovati | ljetovati | zimovati | krenuti |
trajati | polaziti | dolaziti | stajati |
Part 2
Use the following nouns to complete the sentences. If more than one option is possible, choose only one. Read the sentences carefully as they will give you clues as to which noun fits the best.
prijatelj | stric | sestra | mama |
djed | tata | roditelji | autocesta |
mlađa sestrična | prijatelji | mlađi bratić | starija braća |
Part 3
Images used in this document are from these sources.