C8 M4 L1 Grammar

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8 | Modul 4: Gramatika

Ponavljanje je majka znanja

8 | 4 | Lekcija 1: Ponavljanje

8.4 Zadatak 1. Jelo

8.4 Zadatak 2. Jelo i piće

8.4 Zadatak 3. Od čega? S čime?

Look at the pictures and finish each sentence with the appropriate noun listed below. The nouns will have to be in either the Genitive or Instrumental case. Pay attention to the meaning of the preposition.

8.4 Zadatak 4. Jesti i piti

8.4 Zadatak 5. Ima ili nema?

8.4 Zadatak 6. Koliko?

Look at the pictures and finish each sentence with the appropriate form of the number one or the number two. Pay attention to the gender of the noun and the verb. An example is provided:

Na primjer:

Imam jedan jogurt

Imam dva jogurta

 8.4 Zadatak 7. Zdrava prehrana

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