C10 M3 L1 Homework

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10 | Modul 3: Domaća zadaća

Ovo nije kraj

10 | 3 | Lekcija 1: Nogometna utakmica

10.3 Zadatak 1. Kada je izgrađeno?

Look at the following tourist attractions across Croatia. Tell us more about each of them - when it was built, who made it (when applicable), and if you would like to visit it.

Dioklecijanova palača,


Morske orgulje,


Crkva sv. Marko,


Eufrazijeva bazilika,


Katedrala sv. Jakov,


Umjetnički paviljon,


Muzej Mimara,


Amfiteatar u Puli

Spomenik Grgura Ninskog,


Finish the sentences. Use the appropriate passive form izgrađen or napravljen. Be careful, you will either need the singular or plural form, depending on what it is and you will need to choose the correct gender. An example is given for you.

| Atrakcije

0. Dvorac Trakošćan je izgrađen 1334. godine. Želim posjetiti dvorac jer me zanimaju povijest i arhitektura.

1. Dioklecijanova palača

2. Morske orgulje

3. Crkva sv. Marko

4. Eufrazijeva bazilika

5. Katedrala sv. Jakov

6. Umjetnički paviljon

7. Muzej Mimara

8. Amfiteatar u Puli

9. Spomenik Grgura Ninskog

10.3 Zadatak 2. Kada je osnovan?

Find information about the following clubs and when they were established.

Košarkaški klub


Košarkaški klub


Ragbi klub Nada,


Košarkaški klub


Answer the questions in complete sentences.


Kada je osnovana Cibona?



Kada je osnovan Kvarner?



Kada je osnovan klub Nada?



Kada je osnovan košarkaški klub Zadar?


10.3 Zadatak 3. Moje sveučilište

Tell us more about your university. When was it established? What sports are popular there and how long have the sport teams existed? Do you go to any of the games? Why do you or don’t you?

| Reci nam više o tvojem sveučilištu

10.3 Zadatak 4. Razgovor - kultura  

Watch the video NOGOMETNA UTAKMICA in today’s lesson and answer the questions.

Part 1: Answer in Croatian

| Kako se zove stadion u Splitu?

| Kada je izgrađen stadion?

| Kada se igrala utakmica (datum)?

| Kako izgleda dres hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije?

| Kako izgleda dres hrvatske nogometne reprezentacije?

| Po čemu je poznat Poljud (there is a specific sentence in the video that you’ve heard)

Part 2: Answer in English – Culture

Are the stadiums in Croatia the same/similar to stadiums in your city? Give examples.

Look at how visitors behave during a soccer match. Do you find the same behavior in the U.S.? Explain your answer. What does it tell you about the importance of sport in the country/people’s lives?  

Do you know what this match was for? Do you know anything about it? Is there any equivalent in the U.S.?

Images used in this document are from these sources.