C1 M1 L1 Grammar
1 | Modul 1: Gramatika
Moje ime je Bond, James Bond
1 | 1 | Lekcija 1: Dobar dan!
| Personal Pronouns
Just like in English, Croatian has personal pronouns indicating a specific person or a group of people. By now you have already seen several personal pronouns in Croatian:
ja | I | mi | we | ||
ti | you | vi | you [all] | ||
on | he | oni | they / masculine | ||
ona | she | one | they / feminine | ||
ono | it | ona | they / neuter |
At the very beginning, you will mostly work only with pronouns ja, ti, on, ona that you encountered in this lesson. We will work with the rest of the personal pronouns later in the unit.
1.1 Zadatak 1. Osobne zamjenice
1.1 Zadatak 2. Ja, ti, on, ona…
Look at the following set of pictures. Place the beginning of the sentences next to the appropriate picture. Which pronoun corresponds to the given image?
| The verb BITI (“to be”)
The verb ‘biti’ is the most used verb in Croatian. In the Present Tense it has two forms, a stressed and unstressed form. However, for now we will look only at its unstressed form.
| Unstressed form
ja sam | (I am) | mi smo | (we are) | ||
ti si | (you are) | vi ste | (you [all] are) | ||
on je | (he is) | oni su | (they are) / m | ||
ona je | (she is) | one su | (they are) / f | ||
ono je | (it is) | ona su | (they are) / n |
For short sentences, like saying that you are a student or an instructor, you MUST ALWAYS use a pronoun in front of the verb. You can only say: Ja sam student (studentica)… Ti si student (studentica). You cannot say: Sam student*.
1.1 Zadatak 3. Tko je ovo?
Look at the following pictures and complete the sentences with logical and grammatical construction.
| Vowel Pronunciation: Practice
O | |||
oko | otok | obala |
U | |||
uho | upitnik | ured |
E | |||
Eskim | Euro | Europa |
I | |||
ime | instrument | imela |
A | |||
automobil | avion | astronaut |
| Practice your new vocabulary.
Laura is learning some new vocabulary. It’s hard to keep track of everything. Click on the image for each picture to check your new vocabulary.
| Consonant Pronunciation: English Equivalent
B | |||
blog | bingo | balet |
P | |||
pas | papa | papir |
M | |||
mapa | metro | med |
L | |||
lampa | lopta | lav |
R | |||
robot | ruka | radio |
F | |||
farma | fotoaparat | flauta |
V | |||
vaza | veterinar | vino |
D | |||
doktor | dupin | desert |
T | |||
telefon | tim | tulipan |
N | |||
noga | nogomet | nebo |
Z | |||
zebra | zub | zvono |
S | |||
sestra | sir | sat |
K | |||
kino | krokodil | kava |
H | |||
hotel | hrana | muha |
| Practice your new vocabulary
Look at the following slides. On each slide choose an image for which the word is spelled completely the same in English and in Croatian.
| Consonant Pronunciation: Croatian Letters
Č | |||
mačka | mač | čokolada |
DŽ | |||
džip | džungla | džemper |
Š | |||
šešir | šišmiš | šuma |
Ž | |||
ruža | žirafa | plaža |
Ć | |||
ćirilica | mećava | smeće |
Đ | |||
anđeo | grožđe | rođendan |
LJ | |||
ljekarna | ljiljan | ljubav |
NJ | |||
tanjur | kornjača | njuška |
C | |||
cesta | čamac | boca |
G | |||
gitara | gljiva | glava |
J | |||
jezero | jakna | jelo |
| Practice your new vocabulary.
1.1 Zadatak 4. Nove riječi
| Words That Are Similar to English
| Words Related to Nature and Animals
Decide whether the statement is true (Točno) or false (Netočno).
Images used in this document are from these sources.