C1 M1 L1 Vocabulary
1 | Modul 1: Vokabular
Moje ime je Bond, James Bond
1 | 1 | Lekcija 1: Dobar dan!
| Abeceda
A | B | C |
automobil | boca | cipela |
Č | Ć | D |
čaj | odjeća | doktor |
DŽ | Đ | E |
džezva | posuđe | euro |
F | G | H |
film | gitara | haljina |
I | J | K |
ime | jelovnik | knjiga |
L | LJ | M |
lampa | ljekarna | mobitel |
N | NJ | O |
novčanik | tanjur | ogledalo |
P | R | S |
printer | ruksak | sat |
Š | T | U |
šešir | torba | udžbenik |
V | Z | Ž |
vaza | zub | žlica |
1.1 Zadatak 1. Abeceda
1.1 Zadatak 2. Riječ i slika
How would you say the following words in Croatian? Look at the pictures and say the correct Croatian form.
1.1 Zadatak 3. Osmosmjerka
Find the following words.
1.1 Zadatak 4. Što je ovo?
Practice your vocabulary. How would you say the following words/items in Croatian?
1.1 Zadatak 5. Kako se kaže?
Place the appropriate phrase next to the corresponding picture.
Images used in this document are from these sources.