C1 M2 L2 Homework

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1 | Modul 2: Domaća zadaća

Biti ili ne biti

1 | 2 | Lekcija 2: Osobine

1.2 Zadatak 4. Tko su oni?

Earlier you learned about some famous people who were present on Croatian banknotes before Euro. Let’s review and see if you remember who they are. Mark the correct answer.

Je li Marko Marulić političar?


Da, on je političar.


Ne, on nije političar.

Je li Ivan Gundulić pisac?


Da, on je političar.


Ne, on nije pisac.

Je li Ivan Mažuranić političar?


Da, on je političar.


Ne, on nije političar.

Je li Ante Starčević pisac?


Da, on je pisac.


Ne, on nije pisac.

1.2 Zadatak 5. Kultura – razgovor

| Culture

In English (submit online). Now that you have a clear picture of people that appeared on Croatian banknotes before euro, answer the following questions:


In terms of people who are represented on banknotes, how similar are those banknotes with the US currency (američki dolar)?



If we observe the hierarchy on the banknotes (i.e., the hierarchy of who is on higher denomination currency compared to small change) in both countries (US and Croatia), who are the people that are valued the most?



Is there gender equality? Explain the values that you see (interpret) behind the currency in your country and Croatia.


1.2 Zadatak 6. Dijalog

💻 Video recording. Create a dialogue with other classmate(s). Continue to get to know your classmates better. Aim to use all the of the language elements we have covered so far, and be sure to include:

question forms (are you, is he/she, etc.)

negation (I am not, he/she is not, etc.)

statements (giving a brief statement, one-word-sentence)

more about physical and character traits

Images used in this document are from these sources.