C10 M1 L1 Homework

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10 | Modul 1: Domaća zadaća

Budimo zajedno!

10 | 1 | Lekcija 1: Šetnja gradom

10.1 Zadatak 1. Izreke

In today’s lesson you have encountered several phrases that are coined by using a certain animal in them. Read them carefully and explain the meaning in English. Say in what context we can use them. Is there an equivalent English idiom to each of them?


Mi o vuku, vuk na vrata.



Ne budi crna ovca.



Sada sam na konju.



Ma, budiš li se ti s pijetlovima?



Ti stvarno imaš oko sokolovo.


| Pitanja

Are there any differences in how the Croatian phrases are phrased with the ones in your language? Do you use any of them?

Croatia and the US: Which animal has been chosen as the emblem of the nation? What do we call that animal in Croatian? Why those two animals?

10.1 Zadatak 2. Životinjsko carstvo

Be sure to practice the Vocabulary section prior to completing this task. Look at the pictures of some animals and answer the questions below.


Koje su životinje opasne?



Koje životinje ti se sviđaju? Zašto?



Imaš li kućnog ljubimca? Je li na slici tvoj kućni ljubimac?



Koje su domaće životinje?



Čega se bojiš?


10.1 Zadatak 3. Dnevna aktivnost

Investigate both websites about the ZOO in Zagreb and the Falconry Center near Šibenik. Then, answer the questions.


Koje životinje voliš?



Gdje se nalazi ZOO u Zagrebu? Koja je adresa?



Što želiš posjetiti u ZOO-u?



Je li karta za ZOO u Zagrebu jeftina ili skupa?



Je li Sokolarski centar zanimljiv i/ili edukativan?



Ima li neko slično mjesto kao Sokolarski centar u tvojem gradu?



Koje životinje možemo vidjeti u Sokolarskom centru?



Gdje se nalazi Sokolarski centar?


10.1 Zadatak 4. Što posjetiti?

zoološki vrt


vodeni park

Video presentation. Think of at least five different tourist attractions in your city (or state/country). Where can or should people go? Tell us more about each location by answering the following set of questions for each destination. Think of amusement parks, important museums, ZOO, etc.

| Pitanja

Što moramo posjetiti?

Gdje se nalazi?

Koje je radno vrijeme?

Koliko košta ulaznica za odrasle i za djecu?

Zašto moramo posjetiti ovo mjesto?

Što tu možemo raditi?

Koliko vremena ćemo provesti tu?

Koje je tvoje mišljenje o ovoj lokaciji?

10.1 Zadatak 5. Što posjetiti u Hrvatskoj?

🎥 Think of a place in Croatia that you would like to visit. Tell us more about this location by answering the questions below. Submit your video presentation online. Your classmates will make comments on your presentation. They might ask clarification questions, say if they like the place and want to go there, or they have been there already and can provide more information to you.

| Pitanja

Što moramo posjetiti?

Gdje se nalazi?

Koje je radno vrijeme?

Koliko košta ulaznica za odrasle i za djecu?

Zašto moramo posjetiti ovo mjesto?

Što tu možemo raditi?

Koliko vremena ćemo provesti tu?

Koje je tvoje mišljenje o ovoj lokaciji?

10.1 Zadatak 6. Intervju

👥 Think of at least six specific situations that someone can find themselves in. Then, ask your friend where they go and what they do in each situation during their free time. For example: Kamo ideš i što radiš kad pada kiša? – Idem do šoping centra na kavu s prijateljima. Before you do a video recording to collect answers, write your questions.


| Pitanja







Koliko ste ti i tvoj prijatelj/-ica slični? Objasni.

10.1 Zadatak 7. Dijalog

👥 This is a continuation of a task that you were working on during the class session. Meet with a classmate. You both have some time off this weekend. Talk to each other and negotiate where you want to go together. Why? What do you want to do there? Use all three dialogues from today and create your dialogue. Be sure to give each other some polite commands in your dialogue (for example: be ready, be at home, be good, etc.). Be very specific on when to meet, costs, work hours, etc. Places that you could potentially visit:


zoološki vrt

vodeni park

zabavni park

Images used in this document are from these sources.