Lekcija 5: Prezentacija

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10 | 1 | Lekcija 5: Prezentacija

| Pre-class assignment preparation

Presentation. For our next class you need to prepare a presentation in which you will talk about a past travel experience (one of your favorite trips). After presenting your past trip, you will need to talk about a trip that you would like to take in the future. This future trip should be somewhere in Croatia. Read detailed instructions below on what to include and how to organize your presentation. This project/presentation should be very detailed and in a properly organized structure.

| Past trip experience

Gdje si bio/bila? Zašto?

Vrsta turizma?

Čime si putovao/putovala? Zašto?

S kime si putovao/putovala? Zašto?

Koliko dana si bio/bila na toj destinaciji? (3 dana, od petka do nedjelje)

Što se radio/radila tamo? Zašto?

Što si posjetio/posjetila tamo? Zašto?

Jesi li koristio/koristila javni prijevoz ili taksi? Zašto?

Reci nam o smještaju: koliko noći, stan ili privatni smještaj, kakav je bio smještaj, koliko je smještaj koštao, gdje se nalazi u gradu koji si posjetio/posjetila? Je li smještaj bio skup ili jeftin?

When you are done preparing your past travel experience, think of a future trip in Croatia in which you could be searching to have a similar experience (because it’s the same type of tourism that you like) or a completely different one in which you want to have a new, completely different experience. For this part you will need to search online to collect information - a general search on what to do/visit, Google maps for locations, booking site for accommodation.

| Next trip experience

Gdje želiš ići? Zašto?

Vrsta turizma?

Čime želiš putovati? Zašto?

S kime želiš putovati? Zašto?

Koliko dana želiš biti na toj destinaciji? (od–do)

Što želiš raditi tamo? Zašto?

Što želiš posjetiti tamo? Zašto?

Planiraš li koristiti javni prijevoz, taksi ili želiš rentati auto? Zašto?

Reci nam o smještaju: koliko noći, stan ili privatni smještaj, kakav je smještaj smještaj, koliko smještaj košta, gdje se nalazi u gradu? Je li smještaj skup ili jeftin?


For both trips include visual components. When talking about your past trip, you can use your personal pictures if you want (only those appropriate for class) to bring us (visually) closer to your experience. You are not obligated to use your pictures, of course. Instead, you can find some online that will help us visualize your experience. For your future trip, find images online.

| In-class assignment

Listen to/watch carefully each of your classmates’ presentations. You will need to take notes about their past trip and future wishes. You will use these notes to refresh your memory once everyone is done presenting. Notes will help you develop a discussion on the following topics:

| Discussion (rasprava)

Where did they go?

What did they do/visit there?

Who did they travel with and why?

Information about location.

Wishes for the future.

Why do they want to travel to one specific location?

Information about the place they want to visit.

When your classmates talk about accommodation (both of their trips), fill in the table below based on your personal opinion. You will use it for discussion as well. Copy and paste the table as many times as you need (whatever the total number of your classmates is).

Smještaj 1 (prošlo putovanje)



Smještaj 2 (buduće putovanje)



| Post-class assignment

Submit online – everyone will be able to read all the responses. Your homework assignment is to pick one presentation that you liked the most, or the one that is very similar to your interests (i.e., type of traveling). Write a summary (in Croatian) of your classmate’s presentation. In your writing you should also include your opinion about:

What else would you do/visit there (both trips)? Any additional things you would do that your classmate didn’t?

What is your opinion about the accommodation for the future trip? Use your notes.

What else would you like to hear about your classmate’s past trip? Something that could help you get more information about their experience on that specific destination.

Images used in this document are from these sources.