C10 M2 L2 Grammar

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10 | Modul 2: Gramatika

Ulicama moga grada

10 | 2 | Lekcija 2: Po Dubrovniku

| Where to – KAMO, KUDA, GDJE

Kuda ideš?

Idem Frankopanskom ulicom.

Instrumental case

Kamo ideš?

Idem u muzej.

Accusative case

Gdje si?

Ja sam u muzeju.

Locative case

As you can see: kamo and kuda are usually followed by the verb to go (ići), while gdje is usually followed by the verb to be (biti). All three questions will require using a different case in the answer. However, let us investigate first what these questions mean.


how are you getting there (which path are you taking in order to get somewhere)


where are you going (your motion toward a certain place/location


where are you located (your current, past, or future exact location)

When someone asks you one of these questions, your answer has to follow these rules:

Kuda ideš? 

Idem Frankopanskom.

(by way of Frankopanska)

The answer will include the name of the street in the Instrumental case (without the preposition).

Kamo ideš?

Idem u muzej.

Answer will include the adequate preposition u / na the Accusative case

Gdje si? 

Ja sam u muzeju.

The answer will include the appropriate preposition u / na the Locative case

| Directions

When giving direction on how to reach a certain place, these are the most common directions:

idite ravno do ( Genitive)

go straight until [you reach]

idite ravno …  ( Instrumental)

go down/up a certain street

skrenite desno / lijevo

turn right / left

preko ceste je…

across the street there is…

nasuprot je…

something is opposite something else

Look at the example:

Idite pravo do ulice Jurja Žerjavića i zatim skrenite lijevo. Idite Žerjavićevom do ulice baruna Trenka i idite pravo do trga kralja Tomislava. Skrenite desno i idite pravo do ulice Grgura Ninskog. Skrenite desno i trg kralja Tomislava će biti na desnoj strani.

10.2 Zadatak 1. Kamo, kuda, gdje?

Choose the correct word to complete each sentence logically: kamo, kuda, or gdje.

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