C10 M4 L1 Class
10 | Modul 4: Rad na satu
Ponavljanje je majka znanja
10 | 4 | Lekcija 1: Ponavljanje
10.4 Zadatak 1. Da se upoznamo
Tell us more about yourself. Read the following questions that can help you write your short essay. Do NOT limit yourself only to these questions. They serve only as guidelines/a starting point in your writing.
| Reci nešto o sebi
Kada si rođen/-a? |
Koliko imaš godina? |
Gdje živiš? Reci nešto o gradu u kojem živiš. |
Čime se baviš u slobodno vrijeme? |
Što studiraš i zašto? |
Voliš li gledati sportove i baviš li se nekim sportom? |
Živite li zdrav život? Objasni. |
Reci neku zanimljivost o sebi. Nešto što ljudi ne znaju o tebi. |
Čega se sjećaš iz djetinjstva? Koja ti je najdraža uspomena. |
Moj sastav |
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10.4 Zadatak 2. Moj stan
👥 Pair-work. Meet with another classmate. Each of you needs to pick one image from the file. Imagine that this is your apartment. Your friend is coming for a visit for the very first time. Create a dialogue in which you show your apartment to your friend. You need to share your screen so your classmate can see your apartment layout. Walk through the apartment, say where each room is located (left/right from, near by, next to, etc.). Describe your rooms, provide your opinion, and say which room is your favorite one. Be sure to say why that's your favorite room. You should also compare some of your rooms in the apartment (for example: room a is nice, but room b is nicer because…). Submit your video recording online.
10.4 Zadatak 3. Izlet u Zadar
🔊 Listen to dialogue one and complete the tasks. Sandra is telling Laura about Davor’s plans for the summer. Davor decided to take his friend who is not from Croatia to visit Zadar.
| Online pretraga
Find information online about the two hotels that are mentioned in the text.
Hotel 1 | Hotel 2 | ||
ime hotela | ime hotela | ||
ukupni trošak | ukupni trošak | ||
od - do | od - do | ||
lokacija | lokacija |
| Razumijevanje
1 | Gdje je Davor? Zašto? |
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2 | Tko je Nikola? Što smo saznali o njemu? (saznati = to find out) |
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3 | Gdje Davor i Nikola planiraju ići? Kada? |
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4 | Koliko dugo će Nikola biti u Hrvatskoj? |
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5 | Koja dva hotela je Davor pronašao do sada? |
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6 | Gdje se nalaze hoteli? |
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7 | Koje su prednosti i nedostaci hotela Pinija? |
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8 | Koji su nedostaci i nedostaci hotela Bastion? |
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| Osobna pitanja
1 | Koji je hotel tebi bolji? Zašto? |
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2 | Jesu li ovi hoteli skupi ili je cijena realna za ljeto? |
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3 | Tvoje mišljenje: Koji su nedostaci hotela Pinija? |
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4 | Tvoje mišljenje: Koji su nedostaci hotela Bastion? |
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| Online pretraga
Help Davor find cheaper accommodation. Search online for accommodation in Zadar for given dates in the dialogue. Listen again to information that Sandra mentioned about what Davor wants to find (type of room and location). When you find two potentially good options for Davor, send him an email. Explain in detail your choices and include links with your findings.
Nova poruka |
Kopija: |
Predmet: |
10.4 Zadatak 4. Što posjetiti?
👥 Pair-work. Meet with your classmate and make a dialogue in which you give advice to each other on what to visit in the city. One of you is well familiar with Split, and the other is well familiar with Dubrovnik. Investigate the city online and prepare yourself for the dialogue. Don't simply list things out, but engage in a proper conversation that will lead to giving suggestions about your city. Be sure to give reasons/make comments on locations you are suggesting to your classmate. Submit your video recording online.
| Hotelski smještaj
Based on your conversation, find two possible accommodations in the city you are visiting (Split or Dubrovnik).
Smještaj 1 | Smještaj 2 | ||
ime hotela | ime hotela | ||
ukupni trošak | ukupni trošak | ||
od - do (datum) | od - do (datum) | ||
lokacija | lokacija | ||
soba | soba |
Following the examples from the dialogues in today's lesson, write a review of your choices. What are pros and cons for each accommodation? Which one would you ultimately book if needed? Why?
Smještaj |
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Images used in this document are from these sources.