Lekcija 2: Razgovor

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2 | Modul 4: Razgovor

Ponavljanje je majka znanja

2 | 4 | Lekcija 2: Razgovor

Performance-Based Task

| Pre-class assignment preparation

Prepare this assignment for your next class session. The goal of this assignment is to act out a natural conversation between (at least) two people who are getting to know each other. This is something that can easily happen in real life.

You will play the following role with your instructor who might act as: (1) your local friend, or (2) you language instructor in the city you are currently living in as a foreign exchange student.

You are a visiting student in one of the cities in Croatia. You are talking with your professor or a local friend and you want to show your knowledge about the city you are currently staying in: how it looks, your weekly schedule, and what you do in your free time. Be sure to also include where you like to go during your free time. In general, you might also be asked to say something about where people go in the city, and what they do according to your opinion. Further, you might be asked to say more about what cultural activities you like to do and where you go. What local band(s) do you like, who is your favorite singer, what is your favorite song that you discovered in the area? Finally, compare this city with the city you are from.

The order of topics does not necessarily have to happen as listed above. Be creative and add any other element that you think is necessary. Do not go beyond the grammar structures we have covered so far or the vocabulary we have learned up to this point. You have plenty of material to work with to develop your conversation.


Using what we have learned,  create a cohesive, natural-flowing dialogue. This is a two-way dialogue. You should ask questions as well, not just answer what you have been asked.  

| In-class assignment

Listen to each of your classmates performing their dialogues. Take notes about their cultural performance in the table below. Your homework assignment will be to write a reflection on the cultural components that you noticed in each of your peers’ dialogues. When your classmate writes a response to your own performance, you will need to provide them with a follow-up and comment on their reflection.

As a person who is evaluating your peers’ performance, reflect on the following components:


Evaluate how successful they were in navigating the conversation in a culturally appropriate way.



Did they recognize and-or use expressions that present a figurative meaning?



Were they able to recognize, understand, and react to non-verbal cues in dialogues with the instructor?



What else could they have done in performing real-life situational discourse?


| Post-class assignment

Submit your notes from the class session on your peers’ performance. As a person who is reading responses from your peers, be sure to include in your comment:


Do you agree with them? If yes/no – why?


What will you do to improve (if needed) your future dialogues?


Any other comments?

* Submit this assignment also online.

Images used in this document are from these sources.