Lekcija 8: Razgovor

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3 | 1 | Lekcija 8: Razgovor

Performance-Based task

| Pre-class assignment preparation

You are an international student who is visiting the family of your local Croatian friend for the first time. What would be the typical Croatian conversational gambits when meeting or greeting family members (or friends) of your friend? What would you say to them?

Have in mind

You will need to participate in a conversation that has a cultural structure appropriate for the members of your friend’s family. Think of the components of your life that you would like others to know, or that you are willing to share. Think of possible questions that people might ask you, and be ready to discuss them. You can expect to have at least two local characters with whom you will need to interact.

| In-class assignment

Listen to each of your classmates performing their dialogues. Take notes about their cultural performance in the table below. Your homework assignment will be to write a reflection on the cultural components that you encountered in each of your peers’ dialogues. Once your classmate writes a response to your performance, you will need to provide them with a follow-up and comment on their reflection.

As a person who is evaluating your peers’ performance, reflect on the following components:


Evaluate how successful they were in navigating the conversation in a culturally appropriate way.



Did they recognize and-or use expressions that present a figurative meaning?



Were they able to recognize, understand, and react to non-verbal cues in dialogues with the instructor?



What else could they have done in performing real-life situational discourse?


| Post-class assignment

Submit your notes from the class session on your peers’ performance. As a person who is reading responses from your peers, be sure to include in your comment:


Do you agree with them? If yes/no – why?


What will you do to improve (if needed) your future dialogues?


Any other comments?

Submit this assignment also online.

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