C4 M1 L4 Homework

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4 | Modul 1: Domaća zadaća

Dome, slatki dome

4 | 1 | Lekcija 4: Gdje živiš?

4.1 Zadatak 18. Kako se kaže?

🔊 Listen to the dialogue again from today’s Vocabulary section and answer the following questions.


How would you express that you are glad to hear something?



How would you ask if everything is ok?



How would you express that you have everything you need?



How would you say that you share a room/apartment?



How would you say that you heard that something is interesting?



How would you say that something is not far away?



How would you say that you are glad that someone is enjoying their time?


4.1 Zadatak 19. Muzeji u Zagrebu

Search for the following museums in Zagreb and answer the questions.

Muzej suvremene umjetnosti

U kojoj ulici se nalazi muzej?

[odgovor] -

Želiš li posjetiti ovaj muzej i zašto?

[odgovor] -

Muzej prekinutih veza

U kojoj ulici se nalazi muzej?

[odgovor] -

Želiš li posjetiti ovaj muzej i zašto?

[odgovor] -

Muzej iluzija

U kojoj ulici se nalazi muzej?

[odgovor] -

Želiš li posjetiti ovaj muzej i zašto?

[odgovor] -

Muzej Mimara

U kojoj ulici se nalazi muzej?

[odgovor] -

Želiš li posjetiti ovaj muzej i zašto?

[odgovor] -

Tko je Ante Tomić Mimara (1898.-1987.)?

[odgovor] -

Tehnički muzej Nikola Tesla

U kojoj ulici se nalazi muzej?

[odgovor] -

Želiš li posjetiti ovaj muzej i zašto?

[odgovor] -

Tko je Nikola Tesla (1856.-1943.)?

[odgovor] -

4.1 Zadatak 20. Dijalog

Pair-work: Create a Google document and share it with your instructor. Write a dialogue following the example from our Class and Vocabulary sections. You are both international students in Croatia. Be sure to include the following:

| Pitanja

Where do you live (student dorm, house, or apartment)?

What do you think about the city?

What do you study?

What does your place look like?

What do you have at your place (rooms and furniture)?

Indicate that you have a roommate -- say more about your roommate?

What do you do in your free time?

What do you want to visit, but haven’t had time to see?

When do you plan to go back home?

Be sure to provide comments on things your classmate tells you. When you are done creating your dialogue, make a video recording with your classmate. You can have notes about places, but the majority of your dialogue should be performed without reading/looking at your written dialogue.

4.1 Zadatak 21. Geografija

| In English

Based on what you learned about Zagreb, answer the following questions.

| Pitanja

Are there any differences between Zagreb and your city in terms of how it’s organized?

Does your city have zones?

Based on your answers in class, where would you live in Zagreb? Provide a more detailed answer.

Why did you pick a certain zone(s)?

Images used in this document are from these sources.