C4 M2 L1 Vocabulary

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4 | Modul 2: Vokabular

Što je bilo, bilo je

4 | 2 | Lekcija 1: Kako je bilo?

4.2 Zadatak 1. Aktivnosti

Look at the set of images and choose the verb that best describes the action shown in the image.


4.2 Zadatak 2. Što su radili?

Look at the following activities. How would you say that these activities happened in the past? Na primjer: Ja sam pričao/pričala na telefon. Be careful what gender you need to use in each sentence.

4.2 Zadatak 3. Gdje si bio?

Look at the following pictures and write where these actions happened. Na primjer: Ja sam čitao knjigu u sobi. Pay attention - the preposition will help you figure out what noun to use. 

Images used in this document are from these sources.