C5 M3 L1 Class
5 | Modul 2: Rad na satu
Ponavljanje je majka znanja
5 | 3 | Lekcija 1: Ponavljanje
5.3 Zadatak 1. Planovi za izlazak
James i njegovi prijatelji su se vratili iz Zagreba. Oni su sada u Splitu i planiraju što raditi večeras. Kamo idu? Što žele raditi?
🔊 Listen to the dialogue and answer the questions.
| Razumijevanje
1 | Gdje je Ines? |
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2 | Gdje Ines može parkirati? |
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3 | Gdje su Matija, James i Luka? |
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4 | Kamo Luka želi ići? |
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5 | Kakvo je vrijeme u Splitu? |
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6 | Idu li prijatelji u kafić ili žele ostati na otvorenom? |
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| Osobna pitanja
1 | Kako izgleda tvoj grad u božićno vrijeme? |
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2 | Je li grad okićen? |
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3 | Ima li gužve na cesti i/ili u gradu? |
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4 | Voliš li voziti za vrijeme blagdana? |
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5 | Ima li gužve u trgovinama? |
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6 | Ima li božićni sajam u tvojem gradu? |
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7 | Ti i tvoji prijatelji često izlazite vani? |
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8 | Što treba posjetiti u tvojem gradu u božićno vrijeme? |
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9 | Kakvo je vrijeme u tvojem gradu u boźićno vrijeme? |
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5.3 Zadatak 2. Kada i što slavimo?
Look at the following holidays. Say when we celebrate them and what we usually do.
| Kada je: Dan zahvalnosti, Nova godina, Noć vještica, Dan neovisnosti, Božić? |
Dan zahvalnosti - |
Nova godina - |
Noć vještica - |
Dan neovisnosti - |
Božić - |
🔊Listen to the questions. Answer them based on your personal opinion.
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5.3 Zadatak 3. Čestitka
Imagine that you are writing a card to your friend. What would you write? What would you wish for your friend on the following occasion?
📩 Pišem čestitku…
5.3 Zadatak 4. Blagdani i običaji
👥 Talk with your classmate. You need to present plans for winter break/holidays and talk about what winter holidays are celebrated in your country. In your dialogue be sure to include the following:
1 | Where are you going? |
2 | What are you planning to do? |
3 | Do you watch Christmas movies, listen to holiday themed music? What is your favorite? |
4 | What holidays do you (and your family) usually celebrate? |
5 | How do you usually prepare for holidays? Do you do anything special? |
6 | Compare the holidays in your country with those in Croatia. |
5.3 Zadatak 5. Što možemo raditi zajedno?
👥 Come up with a set of questions for your classmate and find out what plans, interests, ideas your classmate has for the winter break (holidays). When you both interview each other, come up with ideas that you can both do together. You will need to present your plans (what/when/where/why) to your instructor.
| Pitanja za prijatelja/prijateljicu:
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10. |
Images used in this document are from these sources.