Cjelina 6: Pokloni i suveniri

(English, Zagreb School of Animated Films)
The Zagreb School of Animated Film is synonymous with the school of animated film which took an avant-garde step forward in the 1950s, leading a new generation of animation enthusiasts. Animafest Zagreb, established in 1972, is the second oldest film festival in the world completely dedicated to animation. Read more
Modul 1: Hoćeš-nećeš, moraš | [Whether You Like It or Not, You Have To] |
Lekcija 1: Planovi i želje | [Plans and Wishes] |
Lekcija 2: Izlet za vikend | [Weekend Trip] |
Modul 2: Tko će kome ako ne svoj svome | [If You Don’t Help Your Own, No One Will] |
Lekcija 1: Mislimo na druge | [Thinking of Others] |
Lekcija 2: Ti si mi u mislima | [You Are in My Thoughts] |
Modul 3: Tko voli, nek’ izvoli | [Whatever Floats Your Boat] |
Lekcija 1: Sviđa mi se | [I like it] |
Lekcija 2: Sedma umjetnost | [The Seventh Art] |
Lekcija 3: Filmska večer | [Movie Night] |
Modul 4: Odijelo ne čini čovjeka | [Don’t Judge a Book By Its Cover] |
Lekcija 1: [Ne]Prikladna odjeća | [(In)Appropriate Clothing] |
Lekcija 2: Peglam karticu | [Swiping the Credit Card] |
Modul 5: Ponavljanje je majka znanja | [Practice Makes Perfect] |
Lekcija 1: Ponavljanje | [Review] |
Lekcija 2: Razgovor | [Conversation] |
1. Overview and Goals for Unit 6
By the end of this Unit, you will be able to:1 | Read and understand stories about events in the future. |
2 | Talk about people and things that you like or dislike. |
3 | Talk about presents/gifts that you buy for others on a specific occasion. |
4 | Understand the importance of traditional souvenirs in Croatia and the region. |
5 | Ask for advice, suggestions, or help. |
6 | Make a dialogue in a store/shop. |
7 | Express your preference in clothing. |
8 | Understand and follow the dress code in public institutions. |
9 | How to ask for clothing items (size, style, and color). |
10 | Discuss your movie and music preferences. |
11 | Talk about people and their characteristics. |
12 | Talk about the weather and temperature. |
1 | Future Tense
2 | Verbs in Present Tense
3 | Irregular verb moći
4 | Dative Cases
5 | Reflexive pronoun sebe/se |
6 | The verb sviđati se + pronouns in Dative case |
7 | The verbs indicating the meaning “to dress up, to put on”
8 | Comparative forms of adjectives
1 | Traditional souvenirs |
2 | Weather forecasts |
3 | Gifts for friends and family |
4 | Clothing items |
5 | Fashion and style |
6 | Movie genres |
7 | Personality traits |
2. Outline
At/by the end of the unit, what do you want the student to be able to do with the language?Final assessment (Scenario): |
Two friends meet on a street. The dialogue might have several stages (topics) that gradually develop in one single cohesive dialogue. The conversations might include the following topics: (1) Meeting a friend on a street, expressing excitement and asking where they are going. (2) As they realize that they have similar intentions, the friends agree to go together, but they need to decide on where to go. (3) On the way to their destination(s), the friends continue talking and they make plans for the upcoming weekend. (4) After making plans for the weekend, friends ask each other for help in buying souvenirs/gifts for family/friends, and they make plans for the following day to go together as both need help/ideas. (5) However, since they are already in the city, the friends invite each other to go shopping together as they both need help in buying clothes for a certain event they are invited to. Note: All locations, shopping centers, stores, souvenirs, and gifts should be authentic and related to the target area. |
Module 1: | I can make arrangements for the upcoming weekend. I can express my interest, desires, and negotiate plans for a weekend activity . |
Module 2: | I can search for, talk about, and express my opinion about traditional souvenirs. I can discuss and ask for help on what to buy for family members and friends (based on their interests and what they like) . |
Module 3: | I can talk about my personal likes and dislikes and I can express what I like/want to do. |
Module 4: | I can talk about fashion. I can ask for specific clothing items, express my needs, personal fashion preferences, and say what I like to wear on a specific occasion and why. |
Module 5: | Performance-based final unit assessment |
Module 1: | Telephone conversation with a friend. Invite your friend to spend a weekend with you. Suggest what you would like to do and agree on something that you both would be interested in doing. |
Module 2: | Table conversation. Conversation with a friend about traditional BCMS souvenirs. Ask for friend’s help since you are not sure what to buy for your family and friends. |
Module 3: | Based on your personal interests and what you like, express your future plans to your friend. Discuss where you want to go and why, what you will do there. Invite your friend to join you. |
Module 4: | A dialogue in a store asking for specific clothing item, size, and fashion style. |
3. Specific Components and Final Tasks for Each Module
Module 1. Hoćeš-nećeš, moraš [Whether You Like It or Not, You Have To]1 | Geography |
2 | Free time and activities |
3 | Wishes and things we want to do |
4 | Weather forecasts |
5 | Weekly schedule |
Final Task, Module 1: | |
You have a weekend off and you want to go for a day trip with a friend. Ask your friend about their plans, invite them to go with you. Ask about the weather, suggest where to go, and your plan and activities. Make a mutual agreement on what to do. You should combine things that you both like. |
1 | Souvenirs/gifts |
2 | Expressing excitement |
3 | Buying an appropriate gift based on a person’s interests |
4 | Personality traits |
5 | Places to go |
Final Task, Module 2: | |
You want to buy traditional souvenirs for your parents, brother(s), sister(s), and/or friends. However, you do not know what to buy for them. You need a friend's help. Give additional information about what they like. As a friend, give advice on what to buy for each family member/friend. Ask for additional clarification in order to give appropriate suggestions. |
1 | Who and what do you like? |
2 | Activities based on your likes and dislikes |
3 | Discussion about movies and music |
4 | Movies that I like |
5 | Actors and actresses - my opinion |
Final Task, Module 3: | |
Based on your personal interests and what you like, express your future plans to your friend. Discuss where you both want to go and why, what you can do there. Invite your friend to join you. |
1 | Clothing items |
2 | Dress code in public institutions |
3 | What you usually wear and why |
4 | What you like more / prefer |
5 | Differences between Croatia and your country in terms of clothing |
6 | Tradition in today’s clothing |
7 | Buying clothes |
Final task, Module 4: | |
Make a dialogue with a friend. One of you is a customer and the other one is a salesperson. (1) As a customer, you need to buy a full outfit for an event that you are invited to (ask one item at the time). Say what style you like, what size you need, and ask for a specific color. If they do not have exactly what you are looking for, choose some other items/colors. Ask to try them on and then express your opinion on each clothing item, say which one is nicer. Finally, decide which one you want to buy. (2) As a salesperson, offer your help and ask for style preference. You will not have a size/color that a customer asks for. Offer some other model and express your opinion about each item. Provide information on where the fitting room is located. Finally, ask if the clothing items fit nicely. |