C6 M2 L1 Class
6 | Modul 2: Rad na satu
Tko će kome ako ne svoj svome
6 | 2 | Lekcija 1: Mislimo na druge
6.2 Zadatak 1. Suveniri
Google search: Look at the following traditional souvenirs from across the region. Match each souvenir with the appropriate country. The possessive adjective is already in the correct form so pay attention to the gender of the noun as well. Note: some of the souvenirs are traditional items from more than just one country. For the purposes of the task, they are associated with only one country at the moment.
kravata | lula | džezva | rakija |
opanci | ćilim | gusle | maslinovo ulje |
crnogorske | srpska | hrvatska | bosanski |
hrvatsko | bosanska | crnogorska | srpski |
6.2 Zadatak 2. Što i kome pokloniti?
Look at the following set of potential gifts and a list of people. According to the example sentence below, write what you will buy and for whom.
Što pokloniti? | ||||
kravatu | lulu | džezvu | rakiju | lavandu |
maslinovo ulje | čokoladu | vino | sliku | magnet |
Kome pokloniti? | ||||
prijatelju | bratu | stricu | djedu | tati |
prijateljici | sestri | teti | baki | mami |
| Na primjer: Ja ću pokloniti kravatu bratu. |
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Talk with your classmates and find out what gifts they will buy and for whom. Mark their answers in order to find out what are the most common things you all want to buy.
Example: Kome ćeš pokloniti [kravatu]? - Bratu ću pokloniti kravatu.
↓ Što / Tko? → | Student 1: | Student 2: | Student 3: | Student 4: |
kravatu | ||||
lulu | ||||
džezvu | ||||
rakiju | ||||
lavandu | ||||
ulje | ||||
čokoladu | ||||
vino | ||||
sliku | ||||
magnet |
What are the top three gifts? Write your top 3 gifts below.
Top tri poklona su: |
6.2 Zadatak 3. Što ćeš kupiti?
Label the following presents by writing the correct term underneath each picture. You may need to make educated guesses.
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cvijeće | bombonijera | šal i rukavice | knjiga |
marama | kuharica | parfem | karte (za cirkus) |
6.2 Zadatak 4. Kome pokloniti…?
👥 Which of the items in the table below would be a good present for people that you know? Use the following sentences to share your ideas with a classmate. For example, if you were thinking about buying a copy of Judita, you might say:
Judita, to je odličan poklon bratu. [or you can say] Ne znam kome pokloniti Juditu.
Knjiga Judita Karte za operu Karte za rock koncert Karte za utakmicu Parfem Šal i rukavice Tradicionalna kuharica Drama Gospoda Glembajevi Tradicionalna marama Cvijeće Bombonijera Zbirka pjesama | to je odličan poklon… | mami tati roditeljima mlađem bratu starijem bratu mlađoj sestri starijoj sestri cimeru cimerici baki djedu bratiću sestrični prijatelju prijateljici |
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6.2 Zadatak 5. Što kupiti?
🔊 Listen to dialogue one and write down what Laura can buy for her family members.
Avenue Mall, Zagreb | City Center One, Zagreb |
| Razumijevanje
| Što Laura može kupiti mami i tati? |
Laura može kupiti mami… |
Laura može kupiti tati… |
Mario and Laura discussed gifts for Laura’s parents. However, they did not talk about Laura's sister. Based on what you remember about Laura's family and their interests (Unit 3), what would be an appropriate gift for her sister? Finish the sentence: Laura možda može kupiti sestri…
| Osobna pitanja
If you were Laura, what would you buy for your family? Based on your family members, finish the sentences.
| Što ti želiš kupiti?
Mami želim kupiti |
Sestri želim kupiti |
Tati želim kupiti |
Bratu želim kupiti |
6.2 Zadatak 6. Jamesovi pokloni
🔊 Listen to dialogue two and complete the task. Ines i James razgovaraju i gledaju što je James kupio.
| Razumijevanje
Based on the dialogue and the family tree, answer the following questions. Possible answers are provided in the last row of each column.
Gdje je James kupio šibensku kapu? | Kome je kupio šibensku kapu? |
Gdje je James kupio licitarsko srce? | Kome je kupio licitarsko srce? |
Gdje je James kupio repliku crkve? | Kome je kupio repliku crkve? |
Gdje je James kupio sliku? | Kome je kupio sliku? |
U Splitu U Zagrebu U Šibeniku U Zadru U Ninu |
mami, sestri, teti, ujni, baki tati, bratu, ujaku, tetku, djedu |
6.2 Zadatak 7. Što kupiti?
For the remaining missing information, give your suggestions of what James could buy. Before you finish the sentences, investigate the following link. It will give you ideas on what James can potentially buy. Some other suggestions as well:
lavanda | kravata | maslinovo ulje | rakija i likeri |
kišobran | paprenjaci | paški sir | vino |
| Što James može kupiti:
James može kupiti tati kravatu. |
Rođaku Ryanu - James može kupiti… |
Mami Oliviji - |
Tati Thomasu - |
Ujni Brianni - |
Teti Elizabeth - |
Tetku Matthewu - |
| Osobno pitanje
If you were James, what would you buy? |
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What souvenirs do you find to be interesting? |
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Images used above are from these sources.