C6 M5 L1 Grammar

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6 | Modul 5: Gramatika

Ponavljanje je majka znanja

6 | 5 | Lekcija 1: Ponavljanje

6.5 Zadatak 1. Hoćeš li, želiš li…

Complete the sentence by using the correct form of the verb htjeti or željeti (depending on the context).

6.5 Zadatak 2. Što je James kupio?

Complete the sentence by using the correct form of personal pronouns in the Dative case.

6.5 Zadatak 3. Tko se kome sviđa?

Complete the sentences based on what you see. You need to use the Dative or nominative case with personal names.

Josipa / Luka

Darko / Sandra

Filip / Ines

Mario / Marija

Complete the sentences based on what you see. To complete the question, you need to use the Dative with personal names. In the response to a question, you need to use the correct form of a personal pronoun in the Dative case (stressed or unstressed form, based on the sentence structure).









6.5 Zadatak 4. Koji glagol?

Finish the sentences by using the appropriate verb. There are several options at time to complete the sentence. Pay attention to the subject in a sentence. Use the appropriate verb -- choose between: nositi, obući, odjenuti, obuti.

6.5 Zadatak 5. Što je ljepše?

Complete the sentence in a logical way. Use the correct form of the verb biti.

Finish the sentences by using the correct form of ljepši.

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