Lekcija 4: Turizam
7 | Modul 1: Rad na satu
Svakog gosta tri dana dosta
7 | 1 | Lekcija 4: Turizam
7.1 Zadatak 21. Turističke destinacije
domaći turizam | međunarodni turizam |
| Pitanja
Voliš li putovati? |
Koja je tvoja omiljena destinacija koju si posjetio/-la? |
Jesi li ikada posjetio/-la Hrvatsku? |
Voliš li više domaći turizam ili međunarodni turizam? |
Putuješ li individualno ili organizirano? |
Koje su top destinacije u SAD-u? |
7.1 Zadatak 22. Vrste turizma
Look at the different types of tourism that are popular/present in Croatia. Which one do you like? Complete the tasks below.
priroda | plaže | kulturna baština | nautika |
aktivni odmor | wellness odmor | gastronomija | kampiranje |
| Pitanja
Koja je tvoja omiljena vrsta turizma? |
S kim želiš putovati u Hrvatsku? Gdje i zašto? |
Kad putuješ, voliš li imati sve pod kontrolom? |
Koje su popularne vrste turizma u SAD-u? |
Work with a classmate and come up with specific locations in the US and Croatia. You need to find a specific location for each type of tourism listed below.
Vrsta turizma: | Gdje u SAD-u? | Gdje u Hrvatskoj? |
priroda | ||
plaže | ||
kulturna baština | ||
nautički turizam | ||
aktivni odmor | ||
wellness odmor | ||
gastronomski turizam | ||
kampiranje |
7.1 Zadatak 23. Hrvatska u brojkama
Here is some basic information about Croatia in numbers. Is there anything else that you think might be good to know prior to your trip to Croatia? Write your questions below. If you need help formulating your questions, ask your instructor.
After you have your questions ready, work with another classmate. Help each other find the information online. Your instructor will check your assignment.
| Što još trebamo znati o Hrvatskoj?
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Following the example Hrvatska u brojkama - make a similar poster about your country. What should someone who has never been to your country know? What is a must-know information?
7.1 Zadatak 24. Moje putovanje
Start working on your video presentation. Your task is to present your ideal trip and what you plan to do there on each day. Your trip can be within the US, Croatia, or any other country you want to visit. Be sure to include the following information at least. You will submit your video presentation online for us to watch. We will be using your information in the following lessons.
| Moja prezentacija
Kamo putuješ? Zašto? |
Koju vrstu turizma biraš? |
Koliko dugo ćeš biti tamo? |
S kim putuješ? Zašto? |
Što planiraš posjetiti/vidjeti? Zašto? |
Putuješ li individualno ili organizirano? |
Kako planiraš putovanje? Surfaš po internetu, čitaš brošure…? |
Here is some info of Zagreb and some places to visit/go to that can be incorporated into your presentation if talking about Zagreb: Vodič kroz Zagreb, Zagrebačka gastro scena. You don’t need to read the text since it's a more advanced language. Look only at the pictures and the locations they represent.
7.1 Zadatak 25. Hrvatska danas
Look at some of the very popular events organized in Croatia every year.
Festival dalmatinskih klapa, Omiš | Advent u Zagrebu | Božićna Priča Obitelji Salaj | Riječki karneval |
Fešta svetog Vlaha | Samoborski fašnik | Sinjska alka | Choco & Wine Fest |
| Pitanja
Koje događanje (ili koja događanja) želiš posjetiti? Zašto? |
→ |
| In English
Let’s take a moment to discuss things in English… Investigate the following locations mentioned in the sentences below. Try to find some visuals online. Does Croatia fit the image of the West (i.e., other western countries)? What can you tell us about your perception of Croatia?
| Neke top destinacije u Hrvatskoj (Nezavisni portal European Best Destination) |
Zagreb - top destinacija za vrijeme Adventa. |
Zadar - top europska destinacija 2016. |
Rijeka - europska prijestolnica kulture 2020. |
Split - Ultra Europe Festival |
Dubrovnik - top destinacija za snimanje filmova |
Kako filmska umjetnost može pomoći u promociji turizma? | ||
~ sedma umjetnost za bolji turizam ~ | ||
D U B R O V N I K I S P L I T |
In modern day Croatia we see contemporary life taking place near historical sites that are protected as UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Investigate the following protected sites online. Which one would you like to visit and why?
Hrvatska baština pod zaštitom UNESCO-a | |||
Search for sites in the US that are protected by UNESCO. Do you see any differences/similarities between the sites in the US and Croatia? How would you characterize the differences?
Jeste li znali…? Što su rekli o Hrvatskoj?
Vladimir Nabokov | Lord Byron | Alfred Hitchock |
Moje ljeto u Opatiji - savršeno! | Dubrovnik je biser Jadrana! | Zadar ima najljepši zalazak sunca! |
Images used in this document are from these sources.