C8 M3 L3 Homework

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8 | Modul 3: Domaća zadaća

Ljubav prolazi kroz želudac

8 | 3 | Lekcija 3: U restoranu

8.3 Zadatak 9. Kako se kaže?

Go over the dialogues from today’s class one more time. How would you express the following situations in Croatian?


How would you offer something to someone or ask what they want?



How would you say that you’ll be right back. (Don’t translate word-for-word.)



How would you recommend something to someone?



How would you say that you are up for it (i.e. you’ll give it a try)?



How would you ask someone about their opinion? (Don’t translate word-for-word.)



How do you ask for a recommendation?



How do you check on someone and see if they need anything else?



How would you refuse something (i.e., say you don’t want it). There is a specific word for this. Don’t translate word-for-word.


8.3 Zadatak 10. U restoranu

👥 Rad u paru. Work with the same classmate from the class session on Zadatak 18. In this task, one of you will be the guest and the other one will be the waiter. Develop a proper dialogue in which you will order food and drinks. Submit your video recording online.

8.3 Zadatak 11. Naša večera

👥 Rad u paru. You are planning a dinner together. What will you make? Create a Google document and organize a full menu for a dinner party. Include drinks as well. You are also planning to invite other friends. Be careful of potential food allergies and/or restrictions that they might have. Share your Google doc with your instructor and be sure to allow the editing option.

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