C9 M1 L2 Homework
9 | Modul 1: Domaća zadaća
Možeš ti to!
9 | 1 | Lekcija 2: Dnevni ritam
9.1 Zadatak 6. Kako se kaže?
Based on the dialogues from today’s lesson, write equivalent Croatian expressions for the following situations.
1 | How do you say that you have been doing something from an early age? |
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2 | How do you say that you have been doing something for years? |
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3 | How do you express that you are very tired? |
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4 | How do you say that you are going back to your old habits? |
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9.1 Zadatak 7. Teretana, trčanje, rolanje
🔊 Listen to dialogue three from today’s lesson and answer the questions.
| Razumijevanje
1 | Gdje je bila Laura? |
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2 | Zašto je Laura odlučila vježbati s Davorom? |
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3 | Gdje je Sandra? Kako se Sandra osjeća? |
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4 | Kamo Sandra želi ići? |
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5 | Živi li Sandra zdravim životom? Što misliš? Zašto? |
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6 | Hoće li Laura ići nekamo sa Sandrom večeras? (nekamo = somewhere) |
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7 | Kamo Laura želi ići za vikend? Zašto? |
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8 | Hoće li i Sandra ići s Laurom? |
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| Osobna pitanja
1 | Što ti radiš nakon napornog dana učenja? |
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2 | Kako se ti opuštaš vikendom? |
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3 | Vježbaš li vikendom? |
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4 | Ideš li ti ponekad s prijateljima u prirodu? Vježbate li? |
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5 | Gdje je u tvojem gradu dobro: |
- voziti bicikl? - voziti skateboard? - voziti role? |
voziti bicikl | voziti skateboard | voziti role |
9.1 Zadatak 8. Sad sve po starom
🔊 Listen to dialogue four from today’s lesson and answer the questions.
| Razumijevanje
1 | Koji su Lukini planovi sada? |
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2 | Kada Luka ide u teretanu, kojim danima? |
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3 | Kada Luka igra košarku? |
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4 | Kada Luka igra nogomet? |
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5 | Kada Luka igra picigin? |
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6 | Kada se prijatelji mogu družiti? (družiti se = to hang out) |
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7 | Što Luka radi vikendom? |
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| In English
We already talked briefly about picigin in the past. Investigate online what is picigin. Give us a brief description, where is it usually played (which city and where in that city), and say whether you find it interesting and hard to play. Browse videos online as well to get a better picture of it. Is there anything similar in your country?
| Answer the questions here |
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9.1 Zadatak 9. Razgovor
👥 Work with a classmate and make a dialogue. You meet a friend for a drink/dinner after your busy scheduled day. You should ask each other questions, provide comments/information about your daily/weekly activities. Do you do any sports or athletic activities? The dialogue should sound like a natural conversation, and not artificial (i.e., no one-way Q/A). Greet each other and create a dialogue based on the following suggested elements. Add whatever is relevant for your life and daily activities.
| Moguća pitanja za razgovor |
Kamo ideš i zašto? |
Koliko dugo treniraš neki sport? |
Gdje treniraš? |
Treniraš li neki sport profesionalno ili rekreativno? |
Imate li nešto zajedničko? |
Kakav je tvoj tjedni raspored? |
Koje su tvoje jutarnje navike/rituali? |
Što radiš vikendom? |
Kamo ti i tvoj prijatelj/-ica možete ići zajedno? |
9.1 Zadatak 10. Davor i Luka
Go through all the dialogues from the two lessons that we have covered so far in this unit. Focus on information about Davor and Luka.
What can you tell us about the two of them? | |
What do you think of them? | |
How similar are you to any of them? | |
Do you like Davor or Luka more – why? |
Comment on anything that you think is relevant to the topic we have been covering so far.
Davor | Luka |
| Moje mišljenje o Davoru i Luki.
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