Lekcija 4: Razgovor

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9 | Modul 2: Rad na satu


9 | 2 | Lekcija 4: Razgovor

Performance-Based Task

| Pre-class assignment

Before you participate in the interview, all of your classmates will have already read your email that you sent to your instructor so they can examine your CV. This will help them to follow your interview better. Once your classmates have gone through your application package (your email and your CV), you will perform the interview. Try to anticipate what you might be asked during the interview (use Lesson 2 as practice/preparation for your interview).

During your interview other students will take notes about your performance.

Once your classmates write a response to your overall performance, you will need to comment on their reflection.

Your homework assignment will be to write a reflection on the performance of each of your peers’ interviews and their application package.

| In-class assignment

As a person who is evaluating your peers’ performance, reflect on the following components. Be very specific, providing examples from their dialogues.

| Email and CV

How successful were they in creating a good CV? Provide examples.

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Was their email properly written with all the necessary information?

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| Conversation

As a person who is evaluating your peers’ performance, reflect on the following components. Be very specific, providing examples from their dialogues.

Evaluate how successful they were in navigating the conversation in a professionally appropriate way.

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Did they recognize and/or use expressions with figurative language?

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Were they able to recognize, understand, and react to all the components during the dialogue (verbal and non-verbal components)?

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What else could they have done in performing this real-life situational discourse?

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| Post-class assignment

Submit your notes from the class session on your peers’ performance. As a person who is reading responses from your peers, be sure to include in your comment:


Do you agree with them? If yes/no – why?


What will you do to improve (if needed) your future dialogues?


Any other comments?

Submit this assignment also online.

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